Monday, September 30, 2019

The Online Therapy Sites Health And Social Care Essay

This paper discusses about on-line therapy sites and the types of three on-line therapy sites. It besides inside informations the content of each online sites and the engagement of professionals. This paper examines the interaction of existent online sites and besides addresses how the professional associations and province regulative boards positions online therapy. It explains the relevant security issues and ethical issues such as consent and confidentiality that are included in on-line therapy sites. This paper besides evaluates the advantages and the disadvantages of on-line therapy sites. It besides concludes with this paper by supplying indispensable construct that is supported to the on-line therapy sites. Online Therapy Sites The on-line therapy was besides known as E-therapy, E-counseling and cyber-therapy and this on-line therapy provided the psychological advice and support over the cyberspace. The psychological advice and other elements could be occurred through E-mail, online confab, cyberspace phone every bit good as picture conferencing. The on-line therapy occurred in existent clip including time-delayed format and E-mail messages etc. The on-line therapy can non be assumed psychotherapeutics and it will be ne'er replaced traditional therapy. The on-line therapy had the restrictions and but it was going a important resource to turn figure of consumers. The on-line therapy included the E-mail, existent clip confab, picture conferencing, instant messaging every bit good as cyberspace phone.Three online sitesThe online sites utilized the convenience of cyberspace that provided communicating among an person and a professional. The on-line therapy helped the person with the job declaration, to better t he temper and increased the self-pride and the dawn guidance site provided the on-line guidance for persons that were fighting with relationships, anxiousness, depression every bit good as loss of way. The dawn guidance site was contributed more to the professional and personal life of human being. The dawn therapy was non appropriate for everyone and but it had shown effectiveness in several state of affairss. The professional associations and regulative boards viewed this on-line therapy efficaciously for the life of human being. In professional life, people could acquire more benefits from this dawn online site. This on-line therapy site contributed into the educational services besides ( Kate Anthony, 2010 ) . The 2nd online therapy was the unrecorded counsellor site that offered the chart room apparatus for users. This on-line therapy was the celebrated the therapy site that was holding 200 healers, counsellors every bit good as societal workers presented for the better part for personal every bit good as professional life of human being. This counsellor allowed the clients to seek for a healer by any influence in order to making the inventions. This on-line site offered aid with crisis or physical conditions, parenting, personal development, relationships every bit good as emotional upsets. The unrecorded counsellor therapy site did n't necessitate any assignment and besides the clients may subscribe in anytime by the aid of their on-line service suppliers. This on-line site was besides allowed the people in order to posting their profile into therapy sites. Hence the professional associations and province regulative services viewed this online therapy better. The 3rd on-line site was serenity on-line therapy that offered therapy via e-mail apparatus to users. This was besides the popular site in supplying the better inventions to human being and the part of this site to people was effectual. This on-line therapy web site contributed to the mental wellness attention services. This site besides faced many issues including dependence, heartache and loss, childhood injury every bit good as affaire d'honneur diagnosing. In this instance, the province counsellor board application procedure and process had been established by Torahs. This on-line therapy site proposed the engineering and scientific discipline security in order to better the ethical issues. This therapy site besides empowered and enabled the clients to do an informed determination for engaging the peculiar professional. These three therapy sites were besides used to happen the troubles in society factors and used to decide the job of society ( Foojan Zeine, 2005 ) .Security and e thical issues. The on-line therapy was non involved real-world interactions with clients and some ethical concerns were more complicated. The on-line therapy obtained the informed consent from all E-clients and the informed consent was the legal process in order to guarantee the hazards and costs in a intervention. The informed consent besides included the nature of intervention, alternate interventions, and benefits of interventions every bit good as possible hazards. The informed consent was considered for doing the better result to the clients and the informed consent must be given voluntarily to the clients. The confidentiality was the ethical every bit good as the security issue and the concern of confidentiality in on-line therapy was the protection of client information. The use of electronic communicating was used in order to protect the information of clients. The medical records of patients were stored in on-line therapy sites that were protected by therapy sites. The premise of privateness of personal information based upon the on-line therapy in protecting the information of patients. The possible online therapy utilized to procure the privateness of medical records. The effectual protection could be made by doing the better E-books for patients. The legal responsibility to warm was besides the legal issues for protecting the information. The legal responsibility to warm was besides established in order to extenuate the jobs of clients. The responsibility to warm was the better protection tool but it was hard to implementing and this responsibility to warm included the reappraisal of old records that might see a history of violent behaviour. This legal issue was given the rights to the counsellor and healer in order to transgress confidentiality when clients pose a hazard to other individual.Advantages of on-line therapy sitesThe on-line therapy was holding many advantages and disadvantages to the patients including the protection of personal every bit good as patients ‘ information. The on-line therapy offered the better accessing methods top mental wellness information to the people in rural every bit good as distant entree. The online therapy besides provided the handiness to the persons who were housebound. The on-line therapy was more contributed to the patients in the instance of their personal every bit good as professional life and this therapy sites were usually low-cost every bit good as convenient. The online sites made mental wellness information more accessible to clients and the people could experience more comfy in discoursing about mental wellness concerns. The on-line therapy site was an of import tool for assisting people to larn approximately psychological wellness ( Kimberly S.Young, 2010 ) .Disadvantages of online therapyThe on-line therapy was used in many ways to people and but at the average clip it was holding some disadvantages. The on-line therapy could n't be covered the insurance policies that ‘s why this was the drawback to patients. The on-line therapy sites concerned about undependable engineering and the healer could n't react to crisis state of affairss. These sites were non appropriate with the serious psychiatric unwellness. The E-therapy was non appropriate for people with elaborate jobs and the range of on-line therapy ‘s aid was limited. In many instances, the on-line healer could non see facial looks every bit good as organic structure linguistic communications. The ethical and legal guidelines could be hard in order to implementing into the on-line therapy due to the planetary and anon. nature of the cyberspace and the ethical codifications were besides hard for implementing.DecisionThe on-line therapy sites and the constructs of on-line therapy sites were discussed. The content of each site and the engagement of professionals of each online therapy sites were besides included. The interaction of three online sites was explained. The engagement of professional associations every bit good as regulative boards on the E-therapy sites was detailed. The ethical and legal issues of on-line therapy sites were examined and the advantages every bit good as disadvantages of on-line therapy sites were co ncluded.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Internet security Essay

Modern technologies have inevitably changed the social, economic, political, and professional aspects of lives across the globe. Such technologies have brought with them reliability and efficiency of communication and execution of electronic financial transactions, evident in E-commerce. According to statistics, electronic financial transactions over the internet have grown by over 70% during the past on decade compared to its prominence during the 1990s (Ena 2008, p. 14). This has been attributed to the fact that small business are increasingly engaging in the competitive business advantage of online marketing for their products, a practice that was earlier dominated by big corporations. Nevertheless, electronic financial transactions over the internet are marked with numerous security threats. Security threats attributed to electronic financial transactions are not only a potential infringement to our right to privacy, but have been a source of economic loss for individuals and institutions. Among these threats, internet fraud, identity theft, and network hacking are the most commonly identified threats to the reliability of internet-based financial transactions (Glaessner, Kellermann, & Mcnevin, 2002). However, the government, security software scientists, and financial institutions have engaged in concerted efforts in promoting security of online financial transactions. In this essay, the author will identify and discuss the different kinds of security threats relevant to financial transactions over the internet, their nature, severity, and the actions that have been taken or can be taken to address the threats and their effectiveness. Case studies of actual security incidents will be given to support the analysis. The problem of security threats on internet-based electronic financial transactions has been identified as a major drawback to sustainable embracement of the competitive advantages brought by this unique technological advancement in the community. Although the actual economic damages caused by internet crime is hard to assert, a consensus between law enforcement and IT scientists has it that over $500 millions are lost in the USA alone due to internet related crimes (Glaessner, Kellermann, & McNevin, 2009). There are numerous security threats to electronic financial transactions over the internet. Identity theft and fraud is a quite common form of security to internet-based funds transfer. Identity theft is the act of using the identity of another person to illegally gain financial advantages (Glaessner, Kellermann, & McNevin, 2009). To achieve this, perpetuators engage in misrepresentation of information to lure their target victims to conduct a financial transaction or provide personable information such as credit card number and password. Numerous research findings have found that the process of acquiring another person’s details is realised through use of e-mail messages (mainly spam) or using fake websites to entice potential victims (Glaessner, Kellermann, & McNevin, 2009). Such information is used in executing activities such as conducting unauthorised emptying of the victim’s account and opening and operating an account in the victims name and failing to settle its associated bills. This leads not only to loss of funds by the victim but also source of debt as financial institution seek account bill charge payments from the victim. According to statistical evidence from the Internet Crime Compliant Center, of the internet crime cases reported in 2008, an estimated 13 percent involved fraud and identity theft (Maclean 2009). Further, the statistics have indicated that such a figure is quite low given that most incidences of internet crime activities go unreported. Still on fraud as a security threat to internet-based financial threats is the problem of non-delivery of goods and services. A quick browse into most websites in the internet, one finds many sites promising lucrative employment or business opportunities. However, most of these engage in dictating for payment of services that are non-existent. FBI reports have it that over 27 percent of internet fraud activities involve payments for non-existent business and employment opportunities (Ena 2008, p. 18). Another form of electronic financial transactions over the internet is the confidentiality threat brought by malicious computer programs. In the recent past, the information technology has witnessed an increase in the number and complexity of malicious computer programs. The most common types of malicious programs are virus and worms, which serve to corrupt executable computer programs (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 2007). Through this, the authorised suffer the costs of losing their confidential information saved in the machine or network. Moreover, distributed access denial programs are a major threat to the reliability of online financial transfer. This is because they compromise their ability of an authorised individual to access, transact, and/or monitor their electronic financial accounts. Nevertheless, Trojan horse, backdoors, and rootkits are the main threats to electronic financial transactions over the internet given their capability to gain access into personal accounts without detection by the user. Trojan horse and backdoors computing are the most destructive malicious programs to the security on internet financial accounts and networks. Trojan horse computing for example gives the capability of ensuring continued operation of the system (they prevent attempts to shutdown the system) once it has been installed in the system (Glaessner, Kellermann, & McNevin, 2009). This gives the perpetuators of the crime adequate time to execute practices such as remotely accessing personal information as well as conducting unauthorised electronic financial transfers from their accounts. On the other hand, backdoors computing serves the purpose of compromising the security of an attacked system to enhance easy unauthorised access in the future (Glaessner, Kellermann, & McNevin, 2002). To achieve this, this computing technique allows for the creation of bypass into the attacked networks to compromise its normal authentication requirements. This has been blamed for potential long-term security attacks to electronic financial transactions accounts over the internet. Rootkits are found to protect malicious computer programs from being detected or deleted by the user upon installation into the system, thus allowing for ease corrupting of personal accounts as well as the network connections (Maclean 2009). Thus malicious computer programs are a real threat to internet-based financial transactions. In addition, confidentiality fraud has gained much important as a security threat to electronic financial transactions over the internet. The right to privacy is a fundamental individual right. This is more crucial in financial transaction as it protects sustainable realisation of social and economic development among community members. On the contrary, it is estimated that an estimated 14 percent of internet based crime activities engage in privacy frauds. Such problems are instigated by hacking practices (Khosrowpour 2000, p. 76). Hacking as a threat to individual privacy involves actions that allow the remote access of confidential personal or institutional information. Thus, hacking threatens individual privacy as well as security of online financial transactions. Following the appreciation of the competitive advantage brought by electronic financial transactions over the internet compared to other modes, much concerted efforts have been engaged by the key stakeholders in the field in promoting its security. First, the government as the custodian of the social and economic aspects of its citizens has enacted and enforced numerous laws governing electronic funds transfer. Such include the Electronic Funds Transfer Act of 1978. This act defines numerous rights, responsibilities, and liabilities for participants involved in electronic funds transfer (Ena 2008, p. 9). According the law, the victims of erroneous electronic transactions should communicate with the financial institution not later than sixty day. On the other hand, the financial institutions are bound by the law to investigate and resolve such error within 45 days. In addition, customers should report loss of credit cards to their financial institutions to mitigate potential illegal transactions. To realise this, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act dictates that financial institution should provide its customers with reliable contact number for enhancing communication (Ena 2008, p. 19). Another important law in mitigating security threats on online financial transactions is the Patriotic Act which provides for increased government surveillance on the internet. The purpose of law is to mitigate terrorism activities over the internet such as communication and transfer of fund online for funding terrorism activities. This law gives the law enforcement agents the legal authority to tap internet communication between suspected crime offenders. Such has the implication that these provisions can significantly aid in promoting the war on online transaction security threats. On the other hand, commercial and constitutional laws are quite effective in prohibiting illegal electronic transaction. This is evident from the fact that fraud and identity theft activities remain a criminal act according to the commercial laws of America (Ena 2008, p. 19). Moreover, the right to privacy is sufficiently protected by the provisions of the first amendments to the civil rights bill of the American constitutions. Still, the American government has established the Internet Crime Compliant Center which is responsible for documenting incidences of internet crime activities. This body is a partnership of the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. In addition, the organisation works closely with local and international law enforcement agencies in qualifying the dynamic patterns internet crime activities. The security software scientist community on the other side has engaged numerous resources in the designing and production of highly reliable security safeguard software for protecting the authenticity of online financial transaction. It is worthy noting that the process of innovation in the software development has been on the hike over the past one decade (Carey 2001, p. 45). This can be evident from the numerous software outsourcing and direct investment by major software corporations across the globe. Through this, these companies enjoy the competitive advantage of tapping and taming the best brains in the IT field for promoting viable solutions to internet crime activities. Further, internet providers have employed qualified network administrators for preventing, identifying, and reporting incidences of internet related criminal activities. On the other side, financial institutions are marked with the responsibility of ensuring safety of financial transactions and storage for their customers. This is the reason behind effective monitoring practices that have been put in place by these institutions in safeguarding confidential institutional and customer information. It is a common practice for financial institutions to engage in constant changing of their network authentication codes. This serves to complicate the process of internet crime perpetuators gaining unauthorised entry into their networks. Another precaution taken by these institutions is closely monitoring financial transaction and blocking as well as reporting suspicious activities to the relevant authorities for legal actions (Glaessner, Kellermann, & Mcnevin 2009). To achieve this goal, most financial institutions engaged in electronic financial transaction over the internet contract IT professional company to manage their networks. This outsourcing practice brings with it the advantage of speciality, an element that ensures quality and reliable services in promoting online transactions’ security. Nevertheless, the war against electronic financial transactions over the internet security threats remains a major concern to the reliability of this modern funds transfer technology. This has been blamed to the lack of awareness among members of the general public (Khosrowpour 2000, p. 4). True to the later, the process of qualifying the exact economic loss caused by insecurity on internet-based financial transactions is complicated by the fact that only a few cases of the incidences are reported to the relevant authority. Therefore, the war on internet security issues should ensure adequate awareness of the public on how to identify these crimes, prevent them, and/or were to report them. In addition, the global community should seek to establish a unifying law against internet crime as a way of increasing cooperation in the process through elimination of existing bureaucracies. All in all, the problem of electronic financial transactions over the internet security threats remains a major challenge to the reliability of this technological advancement in the society. This is because of the ever changing tactical attacks and innovations employed by internet crime offenders to promote their criminal interests (Carey 2001, p. 102). Some of the mostly cited instruments for promoting insecurity in internet-based financial transaction are malicious computer programs such as Trojan horses, rootkits, and backdoors. This is due to the fact that such programs are capable of hindering from the system user while still compromising the systems authentication provisions, thus allowing for remote access by unauthorised persons. Such call for the government, software scientists, and financial as well as all other stakeholders to invest more resources in the war against internet transactions insecurity. This should put into consideration the need for promoting public awareness on the nature of internet crimes and were to report them as well as viable prevention measures.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial Management And Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Financial Management And Analysis - Assignment Example The company intends to offer competitive prices besides other programs such as buyback/trade program that makes it easier for the members to access and read Finance books online. My Finance Resource Limited intends to provide a friendly and relaxing environment that facilitates reading and browsing. Apart from selling Finance books and other resources, the management intends to use the website for other activities such as the auction of finance materials, post classified ads, advice users on latest products and the best books for their courses, provide teacher evaluation among others. The website will enable the users to share information and criticize some of the books and published materials. These will then be evaluated and shared with the authors. Apart from text books, students will be able to access course guidelines and class notes, tutoring services among others. It will also offer services such as specialized contents, weblogs and retails. The website intends to set itself as leading centre that offers interaction among students and superb latest finance resources to facilitate the running of the business. It will establish itself as the best centre for university finance materials by combining internet technologies and applications and market expertise to increase revenue generation. The company will achieve market dominance through utilization of extensive domain experience, high quality software, highly skilled management team, formation of strategies alliances and partnership with other key companies in the industry. The company will also involve key finance experts across the globe on a 24-hour basis to ensure that all the advisory services are offered 24/7. My Finance Resource Limited is a limited liability corporation registered in the United Kingdom. The firm is owned by an entrepreneur who was a former Finance student. Having experienced the need for updated Finance materials at the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sovereign Funds Investment in Qatar and Dubai Term Paper

Sovereign Funds Investment in Qatar and Dubai - Term Paper Example Due to SWFs importance gained in the recent times many researches are being conducted in order to deal with the concerns and problems identified in its current position and in the expected growth that is to occur in future. Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) and Investment: Sovereign funds investment is a government owned and controlled investment fund. Such an investment fund is called Sovereign Wealth fund (SWFs). There is no one accepted definition of SWFs; however these funds are usually funded by fiscal (government) surpluses or foreign exchange reserves. The sources of foreign exchange reserves could be profit and surpluses from exports of commodities and other means like investment in international markets. Government is involved in various revenues generation activities, the revenue obtained can be invested within the country or sometimes it is invested in foreign countries. The investment of these funds is put up in foreign financial assets like stocks and bonds of different inte rnational companies. (Truman, Edwin.M. 2010) Establishment of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Qatar and Dubai: About 60% of the SWFs were formed after 2004 when the oil and gas sector faced a sudden boom and the countries involved in exports of these commodities piled up large reserves of foreign exchange. ... Qatar’s SWF is known as ‘Qatar Investment Authority’, established in 2005; while Dubai’s SWF is called â€Å"Investment Corporation of Dubai†, established in 2006. The total funds of Qatar Investment Authority and Investment Corporation of Dubai are 70 and 82 billion dollars respectively in 2009-2010. (Truman, Edwin.M. 2010) Structure of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Qatar and Dubai: The Persian Gulf countries dominate global SWFs. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar combined accounts for more than half of the world’s assets. Researches show that regardless of countries have a current account deficit or surplus, SWFs are generally associated with countries involved in exports of oil, gas and natural resources and have piled up large foreign exchanges due to these exports. Qatar and Dubai invest most of its foreign exchange reserves directly in SWFs international assets and therefore do not have large reported foreign exchange reserves. These coun tries buy dollars and invest in SWFs internationally rather letting their exchange rate appreciates. Oil sales being dollar- denominated has made it easier for the gulf countries. This leads to drop in the value of dollar due to excessive dollars in the market which results in preserving the value of SWFs when expressed in local currency terms. In 2008 UAE reported US$ 751 billion in its SWF international assets and only US$ 32 billion as foreign exchange reserve while Qatar showed US$ 70 billion in its SWF international assets and only US$ 10 billion as foreign exchange reserve which showed their positions relatively low on foreign exchange to GDP ratio in comparison with countries which reports large amount of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Safety management assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Safety management - Assignment Example In this case, ladder inspection checklist must be done; ladder is the safety tool used. Things that must be checked and counter checked include: the surface, level, structure, ground, working area, scaffolding, edges, hand grip, movement of equipment, manual handling, lighting, weather condition, footwear, and experience of the individual. The chance of likelihood of a falling and injury occurring must be considered. This method aids in determining which hazards must be dealt with first in the case of an injury. This is done by looking at the task ahead, the number of individuals, and the machinery to be used. Control measures must be implemented so as to increase safety and eliminate injury probability. The most effective method of controlling risk is by elimination, design substitution, redesign, and administration. The control measures must be carefully evaluated so as to avoid any potential harm (Roughton, James, and Crutchfield, 298). In every workplace, communication is an essential factor. Another essential factor is the credibility of staff as well as following of the OSHA and workplace guidelines. Safety functions management is essential in promoting the health and well being of individuals who work in risky environments. Under the first function of management, which is planning; a good manager must make valid plans. This means that the needs of the hazard workers must be considered, as well as the mission of the organization. Financial as well as the well being of the workers must be considered. This ensures that the needs of the department are met; funds are available, and time set aside to implement a specific plan all for the upholding of the organization goals. Under planning, safety rules and measures must be written down so as to enable better and safe working environment. Better management of safety comprises of organization function. The company must have a hierarchy of organization, where the CEO is active,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Economic Impact of Festival in Qatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Economic Impact of Festival in Qatar - Essay Example From a general point of view any festival has following impacts on any country/city /society: Festival helps the country to boost its economy; Festival helps to foster community pride in a large way; Festivals help people to teach and at the same time learn new things from the visitors, and Festival often helps a country or any community to strengthen its relationship with the neighboring nations. (Grames & Vitcenda, 2012). In this paper the main objective is to analyze the economic status of Qatar from an overall perspective, measure how it able to grow in a span of last ten or so years and how various festivals of Qatar helps the country to boost its economy. The paper will also focus on government spending in various kinds of festivals in Qatar and whether those spending by the government able to yield good result in terms of stable economic relation with others, boosting the economy as a whole, developing the overall infrastructure of the country etc. Diversity in the festival is one of the main attractions of Qatar. Over the year Qatar is started to gain popularity among rest of the world due to its variety of international festival. Doha is the capital of Qatar and also the hub of every kind of economic, social and political activities. Doha is the main country which represents the cultural diversity of the country of Qatar in front of rest of the world. Doha is well recognized in every part of the globe for its food festival, film festival, ethnic cultural activity etc. Doha is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. The growth of the city is mainly due to high volume exports of oil, liquefied natural resources (mainly gas) and other petrochemicals. The city is very modern with high sky-scrapers and high standard of livings among the people of the city. The city is in the center of attraction by hosting the various international conference and local festivals.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Intro to third sector, non-profit organization, look at the assignemnt Essay

Intro to third sector, non-profit organization, look at the assignemnt and you will understand - Essay Example er to ensure that their performance is in complete alignment with the needs of the society, there is a need for an effective and transparent governance framework in organizations. This need for effective governance in NPOs gave rise to a new and rigid concept termed as ‘social governance’ which caters to not only ensure the legitimacy of the organization but also takes into consideration the expectations of shareholders as well as emphasizes on reducing he conflict between the stakeholders in order to enhance the decision making process thereby forming a good management – board relationship. Several definitions of governance have been explained by modern day researchers. Some define it as the characteristic of the board, the management and the relationship between them. Whereas others explained that, it is a system by means of which organizations are controlled and directed (Anheier, 2005). According to Cornforth (2010), governance can be defined as the framework which ensures a definite direction towards objective, proper control and accountability of an organization. It influences the performance of an organization which is very closely interlinked with the idea of stewardship. In light of these definitions, a NPOs governance framework can be explained in a way, where the locus of the governance is the board, and that of the management is the chief executive officer (Anheier, 2005). In a NPO, the board holds the key responsibility for governing the fact that the organization performs staying true to the mission thereby ensuring overall welfare of the organization itself. It is responsible for generating important sources of support in terms of finance thereby playing a boundary spanning role in the open system aligning the nonprofit to its community and... Personal Reflection Having explored well researched sources like Verschuere & Beddeleem (2013), Anheier (2005), Cornforth (2010), Worth (2013) and Barros & Nunes (2007), covering the topic of discussion, it can be concluded that my personal reflection is in complete alignment with the issues covered in the literature. As has been explained by Barros and Nunnes (2007), effective governance is an essential factor which contributes significantly to the performance of the nonprofit sector. Several variables attribute to the performance of a CEO of a nonprofit organization such as the organization performance variables, individual variables as well as the board composition variables. The presence of a robust governance framework will ensure that the organization is not being dominated by a single personality thereby preventing any issues of conflict of interests between the stakeholders. The author also concluded that a CEO pay and incentives also affect the performance of the organization. Having worked for a nonprofit organization (educational sector) for 2 years, I can say that robust governance framework is of utmost importance to the performance of the organization. The governing board and the management should have a clear understanding of the intricacies outlined under the governance framework in an NPO in order to ensure a smooth performance thereby satisfying the needs of both the organization and stakeholders. The governing board should cater to reduce any probability of conflict of interest between its stakeholders as it might prove to be an obstruction in the path of the organization’s progress. In addition to that, institutional governance being a traditional form of governance role in an NPO is a key factor ensuring proper decisions on polices and strategies, proper performance evaluation, management and accountability (Campbell & Hushagen, 2002).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Taxation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Taxation - Essay Example Your sources should be fully referenced. (i) Compliance with tax laws: it is the sole duty of tax practitioner to make sure that the clients of the accounting firm comply with all the tax laws as they affect their income, benefits, savings, investments etc. This will prevent a situation whereby tax laws are intentionally or unintentionally broken by people. In the preparation of payroll in accounting process, it is important that tax matters must be ironed out to ensure compliance with tax laws (Gowthorpe and Blake, 1998) (ii) Tax evasion as a crime: The tax practitioner makes sure that people understand that tax evasion is a serious crime that is punishable by prison terms. Ordinary people do not understand this fact, hence it is the responsibility of the tax practitioner to sound the warning in the hearing of the people (Gowthorpe and Blake, 1998). Most importantly, the agents and advisers are easily accessible to the businesses and individuals that want to settle their tax issues. They give tax advice and provide the following tax resources (forms, manuals and tax resources): (1) PAYE forms for employers; (2) Self Assessment Vat form; (3) Corporation Tax form; (4) Tax Credits Manuals; (5) Capital Gains tax form; (6) Tax and Trusts forms etc (HMRC, 2010). Question 3: There are various ways in which the Chancellor can regulate the spending power of individuals in his annual budget. Explain these measures and evaluate the impact on the net income after tax, of an individual aged under 65 with total income comprising earned income of  £ 40,000, by comparing 2008/9 tax rates and allowances with those of 2009/10. (a) Reducing Taxes: when taxes (income, corporation, property etc) are reduced, this will encourage people to spend more. This entails that the tax rates are made lower comparable to that of the preceding or succeeding fiscal year (Weir & Beetham, 1999). (b) Increase Taxes: On the other hand, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shell Oil Company and the Technology Management Issues That It Faces Research Proposal

Shell Oil Company and the Technology Management Issues That It Faces - Research Proposal Example This report stresses that Shell uses a wide variety of technologies to deliver hydrocarbon fuels that are essential for all types of transport systems on which humanity has come to depend upon so heavily. The unquenchable thirst for hydrocarbon fuels has today forced oil firms to produce in deep oceans, but it makes sense to try to develop radically new systems, especially for transport. After all, hydrocarbon fuels are responsible for climate change and environmental degradation that cannot be sustained. Thus, radical new ideas are needed for new transport systems. However, the array of technology on which Shell depends is so vast that it is impossible for this company to assist in developing everything. Immediate benefits are possible from technology improvements in areas that are of interest to Shell production and operation, but being an energy company with a transport focus Shell is likely to benefit from anything that can reshape energy systems for transport. This paper makes a conclusion that Shell can continue to identify and develop the best and most promising, but it should also try to invest in the long-term future of humankind. Energy, the environment and climate are the long-term future because with the best of the previously mentioned, it will be difficult to continue to have a secure future. Multinationals must now try to look beyond the immediate future and their short-term profits. Attempts have to be made to try to develop solutions for the long term and efforts cannot remain confined to government or the public sector only.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Swot Analysis Essay Example for Free

Swot Analysis Essay IT also supports Wal-Marts efficient procurement. * A focused strategy is in place for human resource management and development. People are key to Wal-Marts business and it invests time and money in training people, and retaining a developing them. Weaknesses * Wal-Mart is the Worlds largest grocery retailer and control of its empire, despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge span of control. * Since Wal-Mart sell products across many sectors (such as clothing, food, or stationary), it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors. The company is global, but has has a presence in relatively few countries Worldwide. Opportunities To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region. * The stores are currently only trade in a relatively small number of countries. Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer markets, such as China and India. * New locations and store types offer Wal-Mart opportunities to exploit market development. They diversified from large super centres, to local and mall-based sites. Opportunities exist for Wal-Mart to continue with its current strategy of large, super centres. Threats * Being number one means that you are the target of competition, locally and globally. * Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the countries that you operate in. * The cost of producing many consumer products tends to have fallen because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing cost have fallen due to outsourcing to low-cost regions of the World. This has lead to price competition, resulting in price deflation in some ranges. Intense price competition is a threat.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Septic Arthritis and Reactive Arthritis Comparison

Septic Arthritis and Reactive Arthritis Comparison Septic infectious arthritis and reactive arthritis are two arthritic disorders that result from an infection. Though they both are related in their etiology and in their characteristic of causing arthritic joints, each of them are actually different in the way the infection triggers the condition. The main difference between the two conditions may be further clarified with the examination of the terminology used for each. Origin of Terminology Septic arthritis derives its name from the term sepsis which pertains to the systemic compromise due to the spread of infection  [1]  ; this is the reason why the term is at times used interchangeably with infectious arthritis. Reactive arthritis was previously known as Reiters Syndrome named after the late German physician Hans Conrad Julius Reiter who was instrumental in the identification and description of the condition.  [2]  The term Reiters syndrome has lost popularity due to the exposure of Reiters history as a Nazi party member during his prosecution in the Nuremberg trials as a war criminal because of his alleged participation in the forced human experimentations in the Buchenwald concentration camp; this urged a group of doctors to campaign for the renaming of term Reiters syndrome into reactive arthritis back in 1977.  [3]  The condition may also be known as arthritis urethritica, polyarteritis enterica, or venereal arthritis. (1) The term arthritis urethritic a was coined due to its tendency to occur after a genitourinary infection, (2) the term polyarteritis enterica was coined due to its tendency to affect multiple joints and its tendency to occur after a gastrointestinal infection, and (3) the term venereal arthritis was coined due to the tendency of the condition to occur after a known venereal disease infection. The main difference between reactive arthritis from septic arthritis is that septic arthritis caused by the infection of the joint. However, reactive arthritis is not caused by an infection to the joint itself, but is rather an autoimmune response in reaction to an infection on another part of the body. Each disorder will be discussed further in depth in this chapter. Overviews, Microbiology, and Prevalence Septic Arthritis Septic arthritis is an infection resulting in an arthritis characterized by purulent invasion and intense pain at the infected joint.  [4]  Aside from being interchangeable with the term infectious arthritis, this condition may also be known as suppurative arthritis due to its characteristic of producing purulent substances or pus, and may also be known as bacterial arthritis, even though the condition may at times be of fungal or viral origin instead of the commonly bacterial origin. The causative infectious agent in septic arthritis can spread to the joint from other previously infected areas of the body. The infection may sometimes only affect a single joint without affecting other parts of the body, but the infection may still spread to other body parts. Septic arthritis commonly affects the knee or wrist, and may also affect other joints such as the ankle, hip, elbow, shoulder, and shoulder. The infection infiltrates and damages the joint causing severe pain, suppuration, he at, and swelling. This severe form of arthritis also develops along with the sudden onset of fever, chills, and joint pain.  [5]  On the occasion that the sufferer of some forms of septic arthritis do not seek rapid medical attention for diagnosis and treatment, the joint may incur irreversible and permanent damage and in a period of days. Therefore, the situation should be regarded as a medical emergency. Gonococcal arthritis is the most prevalent form of septic arthritis in the United States  [6]  . This class of septic arthritis is less prevalent in other areas of the world such as Western Europe where it is presently uncommon. The causative organism behind this form of the condition is the gram-negative diplococcus bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae which was most likely spread to the joint systematically due to disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI). This specific condition can be manifested as either arthritis-dermatitis syndrome which is a bacteremic infection accounting for sixty percent of gonococcal arthritis cases, or it can be manifested as an arthritic infection localized to a single joint which accounts for the remaining forty percent of cases.  [7]   Reactive Arthritis Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune condition caused by the bodys immune response to an infection. The causative infection is not located at the affected joint itself (cross-reactivity).  [8]  The triggering infection is usually or often already in remission by the time the patient presents with arthritic symptoms, thus making it difficult to ascertain the initial cause. Cultures taken from the synovial fluid of the joints affected by reactive arthritis will characteristically yield negative results indicating the cause is not a direct infection to the joint, but instead may be plausibly due to the over-stimulation of the autoimmune response or by the depositing of bacterial antigens in the joints by an unknown manner. Though the mechanism of reaction from the infection is still unknown, it is said that reactive arthritis often manifests within one to three weeks after a known infection. Microbiology of Arthritis The etiology of septic arthritis is commonly bacterial in naturemycobacterial, viral, and fungal arthritis occur in rare cases.  [9]  The pathogen responsible for septic arthritis must reach the synovial membrane of the joint. The micro-organisms are usually carried to the joint by the bloodstream from an infectious source such as wound infections and abscesses located elsewhere on the body, introduced by skin lesions or trauma that penetrates into the joint, or by extension of the infection from adjacent body tissue such adjacent soft tissue infections or bones suffering from an osteomyelitic condition. Being the most common cause of septic arthritis, there are various strains of bacteria that may be the culprit behind this condition. Staphylococcus aureus is the common causative pathogen in adults, while streptococci is the second-most likely causative pathogen in adults.  [10]  Neisseria gonorrhoea is the most prevalent causative microorganism in young adults, although thi s is now thought to be rare in Western Europe.  [11]  Moreover, Haemophilus influenzae was the most prevalent causative pathogen in children but is now declining in areas where haemophilus vaccinations have been introduced.  [12]  Escherichia coli (E. coli) are the most likely causative micro-organism among the elderly, the seriously ill, and users of intravenous drugs. Salmonella, brucella, and tuberculosis are the causative pathogens behind septic spinal arthritis.  [13]  Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is the bacterium responsible for endocarditis, has also been identified as a causative pathogen for septic arthritis in children who have suffered a penetrating wound directly to the joints.  [14]   Reactive arthritis may also be caused by bacterial infection. It is triggered by a recent preceding infection; the most common culprit in the United States would be the genital infection Chlamydia trachomatis. The bacterium known as Ureaplasma urealytium, which is a pathogen of the urinary tract, is also known to trigger the condition. The condition may also be triggered by bouts of gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning from Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, and Campylobacter, which are all enteric bacteria genera.  [15]  The infection is not located in the ailing joint, and may no longer present elsewhere on the body by the time the reactive arthritis develops. Other microorganisms may still be behind a case reactive arthritis but the evidence indicating them to be the actual cause is still circumstantial.  [16]   Prevalence of Septic Arthritis and Reactive Arthritis Young children, older adults, and individuals with artificial joints are at greater risk than the general population to develop septic arthritis. Those with artificial joints may be infected with different organisms in comparison with the general population, and may present with slightly different symptoms.  [17]  In general, if an individual affected by septic arthritis seeks medical attention and treatment within a week after the first symptoms appear, they will most likely make a full recovery. On the other hand, individuals aged twenty to forty years of age are more likely to be affected by reactive arthritis. Men are more likely to be affected by the condition than women. Caucasian people are more likely to be affected than individuals of African-American descent; this is due to the frequent occurrence of the HLA-B27 gene within the white population.  [18]  Patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) also have an increased risk of developing this condit ion. Arthritis makes it extremely difficult for affected individuals to remain physically active as many individuals become bound to their homes. These individuals will increase their risk for obesity, depression, and heart disease due to their inactivity and anxiety from worsening disability.  [19]   The Immune Systems Role in Arthritis Septic arthritis and reactive arthritis are both conditions that involve the immune systems autoimmune response. However, septic arthritis is the result of the bodys normal immune response to an actual infection present at the ailing joint. On the other hand, reactive arthritis is the result of the immune systems abnormal immune response to what it believes is a present infection at the joint but is, however, absent or is an infection on a part of the body aside from the joint; this mistaken response which may be due to misinterpretation or oversensitivity is considered abnormal and is classified as an autoimmune disease. An overview of the human bodys immune system can better explain the mechanism by which these two conditions come into fruition. Overview of the Human Immune System The human immune system is an intricate defense system designed to specifically defend against the many different types of pathogens. Pathogens are any organism, usually a live organism, which can cause disease. Pathogens include bacteria which are single celled organisms capable of living outside the body, protozoa which are single celled organisms that live and are spread through water, pathogenic proteins which are multi-celled organisms that can only reproduce in another more complex living organism, fungi which are plant-like multi-celled organisms that take nutrition from other living organism such as plants and animals, viruses which are actually multi-celled organisms that invade and reproduce inside another microbial organism, and parasites which are full complex organisms which feed off the nutrients of another complex organisms and which tend to live in the intestinal tract or bloodstream of the human body. In theory any one of these organisms can cause septic arthritis or reactive arthritis, but parasites are very unlikely to cause these conditions and bacteria are the most prevalent culprit. In the event that a pathogen passes through the bodys outer physical barriers, such as mucus and the skin, and penetrates into the internal structures of the human body, the immune system kicks in.  [20]   The human bodys immune system response is composed of the non-specific response and the specific response. Non-specific response consists of the complement response, the interferon response, fever response, and the inflammatory response. The complement response is conducted by the activation of complement proteins which bind with pathogens with lipid layers, such as bacteria, to destroy their lipid layers allowing water to shift into the pathogen to drown them, or by the activation of macrophages which engulf the invading pathogen. Interferon response is conducted by a cell that has been infected with a virus. The infected cell produces a chemical protein known as interferon which will bind to uninfected cells preventing the virus from readily infecting them. The fever is conducted in response to toxin present in the body which may or may not be produced by bacteria; pyrogen, which is a chemical also known as Interleukin 1, is responsible for resetting and increasing the bodys temper ature and may cause gradual joint degeneration. Inflammatory response is the result of the release of histamines in response to tissue damage or infection; histamine is capable of causing capillary dilation which allows for greater capillary permeability, which in turn allows for white blood cells to gather at an infected site, for fluid to create inflammation and swelling at the site to create cushioning, and for an increase in temperature at the affected site. The inflammatory response and fever response are the main responses responsible for the signs and symptoms present during both septic arthritis and reactive arthritis. The human bodys specific immune response is mostly managed by the different types of leukocytes which are better known as white blood cells (WBCs). White blood cells can be classified as eosinophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes. Eosinophils serve to produce interleukins which are chemicals that serve a vital role as immune system neurotransmitters that relay messages between the many different white blood cells to ensure that they work together and cooperate as an effective system against pathogens and to ensure that the immune system does not attack the bodys own cells. Macrophages are also known as phagocytes, meaning they are capable of conducting phagocytosis which is the process of engulfing, killing, and digesting of pathogens and cellular debris; after digestion, the degraded pathogen is turned in peptides which can act as antigens. The antigens produced by the macrophages are then carried by the macrophages into the lymph nodes where the helper T-cells utilize them to signal the B-cells to create antibodies. The last type of white blood cell is collectively called lymphocytes. The lymphocytes can be further subdivided into B-cells, NK cells, and T-cells. B-cells are responsible for creating immunoglobulin, or antibodies, that are specific to a certain pathogen as identified by their antigen. Antigens are protein peptides that exist on the outer surface of pathogens; these antigens are used to differentiate and identify cells and pathogens that are foreign to the host body. The helper T-cells who receive the antigen produced by the macrophage produce lymphokines which instruct the B-cells on the production of the specific antibody. When the B-cells produce the specific antibody, B plasma cells begin to create more copies of its own self to create more antibodies. These antibodies, when released into the bloodstream, will then proceed to bind with the antigens on the actual pathogens to signal the killer T-cells to attack these foreign organisms. The B-cells will also produce B memory cells, which are inactive B plasma cells. These inactive B memory cells last longer than their active B plasma cell counterparts, which last for about five to seven days; the presence of the B memory cells in the bloodstream allows them to respond faster to secondary exposures to the same pathogens in the future. Natural killer (NK) cells are cells that are activated by interferons, which interfere with virus replication, and chemicals produced by macrophages which have ingested a virus. Natural killer cells engulf virus pathogens to prevent them from reproducing until a killer T-cell is developed to kill the contained virus. T-cells are responsible for identifying and destroying specific pathogens and consist of helper T-cells, killer T-cells, memory T-cells, and suppressor T-cells. Helper T-cells receive antigens from macrophages which have ingested a pathogen and instruct the B-cells to produce antibodies which will in turn signal the killer T-cells. Killer T-cells are responsible for finding and destroying pathogens by injecting them with cytotoxins. Memory T-cells are derivatives of helper T-cells which circulate around the body and perform the same functions as their parent cells. Suppressor T-cells are responsible for slowing down and deactivating the immune response once the foreign o rganisms and pathogens have been eliminated. What Goes Wrong with the Immune Response Septic arthritis is really the result of the damage caused by the invading organisms and the normal immune response of the body to the infection in that specific joint or set of joints. In septic arthritis, the macrophages ingest a pathogen that has infected a joint. The macrophages then degrade the pathogen into antigens and relay them to the helper T-cells in the lymph nodes. The T-cells then create antibodies specific to the antigens on the pathogens. The inflammatory response also releases histamine which increases the blood flowing into the affected joint to cause swelling, redness, and pain, which in turn causes stiffness and difficulty moving in the joint to cause arthritic symptoms. Meanwhile, the invading organisms cause damage to the joints. Such damage incurred by the joints may be irreparable if medical attention is not immediately sought after. Suppuration which is the result of the white blood cells fight against the invading microorganisms may also contribute to the ar thritic condition. The fever response that triggers the release of pyrogen may also contribute to the degeneration of the joint. Although the exact etiology of the condition is still uncertain, unlike septic arthritis, reactive arthritis is caused by a faulty immune system response. The condition occurs in the absence and aftermath of an actual infection that is located in a part of the body aside from the affected joints. Two theories exist for the purpose of explanation. The first theory speculates that there are antigens deposited in the affected joint; the second theory speculates that the immune system has become faulty in detecting the actual presence or absence pathogens and creates an exaggerated immune response in the joints even though there is no infection or the infection is located elsewhere on the body. These theories causes the immune system to believe in a current infection and will release histamine and pyrogen to produce inflammation and fever. The inflammation will again cause the joint(s) to be stiff, painful, and immobileall of which are arthritic symptoms. The absence of an actual pathogen may mean that the inflammation and fever will last for an uncertain length of time but the absence of an actual pathogen will also mean that there is little to no actual damage to the affected joint. Distinguishing Characteristics There are over a hundred forms of arthritis, all of which involve some degree of inflammation, pain, and immobility of an affected joint.  [21]  The many different types are the result of several different causes and these causes may point towards what distinguishes each form of arthritis from the other. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and is the most common presentation of arthritis; it can result from trauma to the joint, direct infection to the joint, daily wear and tear, muscle strain, fatigue, or simply from old age. Other forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are attributed to autoimmune diseases. The main thing that differentiates septic arthritis and reactive arthritis from other types of arthritis is that they are mainly results of infection. This means that they will most likely present with fever. The main difference between reactive arthritis from septic arthritis is that the latter is when infection of the joint itself is the cause of the suppuration leading to the arthritis. However, reactive arthritis is not caused by an infection to the joint itself, but rather the inflammation is caused by an autoimmune response to an infection located on another part of the body; this is known as cross reactivity.  [22]  Septic arthritis will most likely affect an individual joint (monoarthritic) if only one joint is infected. Nonetheless, the possible systemic nature of reactive arthritis allows it to most likely affect several joints (polyarthritis). Septic arthritis will also most likely yield positive culture results and present with suppuration, unlike reactive arthritis which may not yield the same results due to the absence of an infection at the actual site of arthritic symptoms. Techniques and Research Diagnostic Techniques The diagnosis of arthritis in general is made through a clinical examination that is conducted by a duly licensed and qualified health professional, who may require other examinations such as blood tests and radiology to create a differential diagnosis for the suspected arthritis. However, radiographs (x-ray) and sonographs (ultrasound) are mostly used only to assess and monitor the severity and progression of the condition. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also an effective diagnostic tool. The history of the current disorder may guide diagnosis; some significant markers include: speed and time of onset, pattern and symmetry of joint involvement, aggravating and relieving factors, quality and severity of pain, and other systemic symptoms. An example of this is the use of pain patterns; for example, rheumatoid arthritis is generally worse in pain and stiffness during mornings, but in comparison, osteoarthritis is usually aggravated after strenuous activities such as exercise. There is no diagnostic test to completely rule out septic arthritis; however, it should be considered whenever a patient presents with rapid onset of joint pain. Usually it only affects one joint (monoarthritis); however, several joints can be affected simultaneously in cases involving staphylococcus or gonococcus infections. The affected joints may present with pain, swelling, redness, and warmth, often affecting joints in the limbs instead of deep joints such as the hips or shoulders. A fever of a bove 38.5 degrees Celsius and history of septic arthritis may also be indicative of the condition. The Gram stain can rule towards a septic arthritis diagnosis but cannot rule it out.  [23]  Gram stain and culture of fluid from the joint and blood test serums can also rule towards a positive diagnosis when yielding elevated neutrophils, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), c-reactive protein (CRP), and WBCs. Being a sort of systemic autoimmune disorder, reactive arthritis can be expected to cause polyarthritis which is a multiple joint arthritic condition. The affected joints may also present with pain, swelling, redness, and warmth. Swabs taken from the urethra, cervix, stool, urine, or the throat can be cultured in an attempt to identify the causative organisms. Blood tests and synovial fluid cultures may also be done to reveal elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and CRP to support the diagnosis. A blood screening may be done to identify the presence of the gene HLA-B27, which is present in an estimated eighty percent of all patients suffering from reactive arthr itis.  [24]   Treatment Techniques Treatment for arthritis in general includes lifestyle changes such as exercise and weight control, physical therapy, orthopedic braces, and medications. The main goal of treatment for both septic and reactive arthritis is to identify and eradicate the causative pathogen with the appropriate antibiotics. In the meantime, the treatment is symptomatic. Medications such as antibiotics, NSAIDS, steroids, and analgesia can help decrease inflammation in the joint resulting in decreased pain and hampered joint damage.  [25]  Reactive arthritis may require immunosuppressant medications in addition to the above medications to reduce oversensitivity of the immune system. Extreme pain, redness, and swelling may require drainage by needle puncture to alleviate these signs of inflammation. Surgical replacement of the joints may also be needed in eroding types of arthritis such as certain strains of septic arthritis. Surgical debridement or arthrotomy is usually indicated for infections involvi ng prosthetic joints. Individuals for whom surgery is contraindicated will have to undergo long-term trial antibiotic therapy.  [26]   Analysis Septic arthritis and reactive arthritis are two arthritic conditions that result from the human immune systems response to infection. Septic arthritis is the result of an infection on the arthritic joint; if one joint is infected, only one joint shall be suffer arthritic symptoms. Reactive arthritis is the result of an exaggerated immune response to an infection that does not involve the arthritic joint; this condition may be systemic and may affect multiple joints. Septic arthritis and reactive arthritis may both be caused by any pathogen including bacteria, mycobacterium, virus, and fungi; however, bacterial infections are the most prevalent culprit. Since both septic arthritis and reactive arthritis are the result of an infection, what distinguishes them from most other forms of arthritis is that both of them may present with fever and some degree of suppuration in addition to the usual symptoms of inflammation which include pain, swelling, redness, and warmth at the joint. Septic arthritis will however prove to be the more destructive of the two conditions because it directly infects the joint and may cause permanent and irreversible damage. Since both of the conditions are the result of an infection, both of their treatments include antibiotics, which may usually be given intravenously, and medications that may deal with the symptoms of pain and inflammation may be given. Orthopedic bracing for support and surgical intervention for damaged joints may also be needed in certain cases.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Reality of Television Essay -- TV Romance Celebities Papers

The Reality of Television Through the years, many of us have watched as celebrity couples have come together and then grown apart before our very eyes. It has become part of the American culture to be informed of what almost every celebrity icon is doing, and who they are with at the moment. Couples that were once said to be invincible proved everybody wrong, and let the pressure of being famous take over their lives. Though some couples do stay together, most tend to fall under the pressure of the media and break up. Couples such as Kate Winslet and Jim Threapleton, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, and the famous Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are good examples of relationships that have failed as a result of the media. Kate Winslet and Jim Threaoleton said that the pressure of fame split their beautiful relationship. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise who were known to be the hottest and strongest Hollywood couple proves the whole world enough by announcing their divorce after eleven years of marriage and adopting two children. Jennifer Lopez is not an unknown name in Hollywood when it comes to relationships. Known as the queen of jumping around from man to man, she has thus proved herself not to be as strong as she appears. From two previously failed marriages before, she has recently broken off her engagement to Ben Affleck. But the one question that still remains in everybody's heads is; "why do these relationships that start out so strong eventually fail?" One could say that the celebrities aren’t at fault. With the media following a couple’s every move; it would be hard to get a private moment. Another problem that many celebrity couples have is the difference of fame. What? There are celebrities that don’t stay with a ... ...onard Nathanial. (2002). The Greenwood Guide to American Pop Culture. (Vol. 4). Greenwood Press. Potter, James W. (2003). The 11 Myths of Media Violence. Thousands Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Stewart, M. (2000, January 5). Top Reason Why Celebrity Marriages Don't Work. People, Pg 37. McNamara, Joe. (1998, January). Anything goes: Moral bankruptcy of television and Hollywood. USA Today. Pg 69. Picture Sources:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Pen :: Essays Papers

The Pen Mortality is a fact of life for everyone and has been since Creation. As humans, we have the intelligence to realize and understand this because we possess the ability to reason and to learn. This ability, when combined with the presence of Life that keeps us in existence, beckons us to secure the future in some way and for some reason(s). We need not only the chance at life beyond our own which comes with the birth of our children, but also to leave our own names, our own ideas and beliefs secured onto something more solid than the spoken word yet not as heavy as stone tablets. In the arid, desert climates this came in the form of parchment . In locations with more water and vegetation, it came from the papyrus plant. But in either climate, something was needed to stain the language onto this new device. That something was the first pen. The Dawn of Pen-kind As early as 2,800 years before Christ, the pen was beginning to appear as a writing implement in the world. Its first form was that of a dried reed, its tip cut at an angle so to create a line of ink instead of a blot. To write with it, simply dip the cut tip of the reed into an ink supply, then gently press the dipped tip against the paper . This was a simple means of writing that required raw materials ample in the environment. The degree of technology it used can be seen as only slightly higher than the scientific concept of the sharpened wedge (blade) used to cut an angle on the reed tip. The small effort needed to build a pen was far less than that of the ink needed. Nature grew the reed, humans merely plucked it from the ground and sliced off its bottom tip. During this period of Antiquity, the Egyptians had also constructed the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. By no means was the pen as physically large and complex a creation as the wonders of the world, which were constructed with the sole purpose of being the final resting-place of the Pharaoh. However, the reed pen had a much more profound, a much greater effect on the world and the path our present-day history took. There are no records to indicate any one person or group as the inventors of the pen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Futuristic Interview With Romeo of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet

A Futuristic Interview With Romeo SCENE I: Setting: On the set of ‘Time Voyager', a new television series. Characters: ANN - Announcer ROMEO - Romeo ANN: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome again to this week's edition of Time Voyager. In case this is the first time you have tuned in and are unfamiliar with the concept, let me explain it to you. Modern technology today allows us to go back in time, as you probably know already. We do just that - go back and visit those times and places that had so much mystery, so much darkness, and so little knowledge. Our current model of time machine is the best that money can buy and has been completely tested for safety so we will not... as they say... leave someone ‘behind the times.' So sit back, relax, and watch as the past becomes the present. (Lights dim, machine hums, beam of light appears center stage. Through the beam, people are visible, walking seemingly unaware of the new presence.) ANN: The place is Verona, Italy, and the year is 1523. To be precise, the third of May. (Romeo cautiously peers into light beam. It seems he is the only one aware of it.) ANN: (To Romeo) Do not be afraid, come forward. (Beckons with hand) ROMEO: What is this? ANN: Sir, I apologize for this sudden interruption of your day. Perhaps you would like me to explain? ROMEO: (Steps onto stage out of light beam. Beam dies) What has happened to me? Have I died? Is this the other world? What do you want of me? ANN: No, you are not dead, rather transported to another time... ROMEO: You talk no sense! Your head must be full of bugs and insects! And, if you do not mind, what are those strange machines in the corner? (Points at video camera) ANN: Those are recorders - recording you as you are currently here speaking to us. They can put the images - moving images - so that we may view them later. Right now, they are sending the images through the air to millions of people... ROMEO: What year is this? You have many strange devices, for example, lights that have no candles behind them, screens that record my movements, and all these strange new materials, it is rather... mind-boggling... that is, if you are telling the truth... ANN: The year is 2174. Yes, I am telling the truth. We have machines that tell if you are telling the truth now. ROMEO: How do I know you are telling the truth about machines that tell if you tell the truth?

Monday, September 16, 2019

For this article, answer the questions below Essay

†¢ Summarize the concept of ecological (demographic) risk as this pertains to families. The researchers saw demographic risk in families where the parents were young, had low incomes, low education, and several children. Families were given scores from 0 – 3 in each of these areas, for a total of 20 points possible. The higher the score, the higher risk the families had of dysfunction. For age, over 24 was â€Å"0,† and below that, every 2 years was a subsequent number (22 – 23 = 1, 20 – 21 = 2, under 20 = 3). Similar scores were applied to income (over $40K is 0), education (bachelor’s degree or more is 0) and number of children (1 or 2 is 0). †¢ How did Kochanska et al. (2007) assess demographic risk? Outline which measures were used and why? Researchers looked at a number of parental characteristic, including socialization, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. These criteria were assessed with a self-assessment tool in the parents’ home. It has been shown in other research that high neuroticism is associated with depression and a lack of coping methods, which leads to a negative home environment for children. Researchers theorized that this trait would create more risk within the home. Socialization was the most difficult to measure, as it was actually a measure of several different traits, like outgoingness, happiness, etc. However, parents who scored high in this area reported children who were more securely attached and better behaved, and the researchers’ observations confirmed this. Parents who were more extraverted were generally happier. Conscientiousness related strongly to positive outcomes with children. All of these criteria help to show parents who are more likely to have successful or happy children, although researchers note that some parents who do not exhibit the positive traits also have happy and successful children. †¢ Which are the most significant factors influencing parent-child relations for A) Mothers †¢ Extraversion was a major factor for mothers. Mothers who were not very extraverted tended to discipline their children in a power-struggle way, and this did not accomplish the goal easily. Mothers who were extraverted did not have this problem. B) Fathers †¢ Neuroticism was a major factor for fathers, because fathers scoring high in this area tended to enforce heavy and forceful discipline styles, possibly leading to a disconnect with children. Fathers who scored lower in this area did not have this problem. Discipline styles relate heavily to the way parents and children get along, because correction is a major part of parenting, and parents who cannot effectively correct their children without power struggles or forced-obedience do not have children who are as securely attached. These children may also not learn to monitor themselves.

Iran’s Misty Wonders Essay

In Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, both the movie and the book were able to portray the main idea of Marjane Satrapi â€Å"Marji’s† life. The main idea being for us to look at how Marji evolved into a grown women with struggles along the way. Throughout both we were able to clearly understand what a difficult childhood she lived and we were able to get a sense of what her life was like back then. Like in many cases, the book informed us of every detail possible in order to get a clearer message across. When it came to the movie, it lacked many details that were included in the book and if you would not have read the book it would cause you to be confused and lost. There are a couple scenes in the movie that seem to just happen, there was no type of development or leading actions involved. There was a specific scene in the movie where Marji and her mother walk past a conversation that her father and neighbors are having, the female neighbor seems to have some type of sca r in her cheek but we are not sure what it is and if it even matters. If we take a look at the book we see that the scene is different. Marji and her family briefly talk with their neighbors, a husband and wife, and the husband tells her father â€Å"Look! A bullet almost hit my wife’s cheek,† (44). This was a piece of information that could and should have been briefly added because it gives us a bigger picture of how dangerous their lives were during the revolution. This would only help us, the viewers, have a bigger reaction to the plot. Another example that comes to mind was the absence of certain characters. The family’s maid, Mehri, as well as Marji’s good friend, is never mentioned in the movie. This was an important factor because throughout an incident that is described in the book we are able to learn the big issues with social class and in the movie it is something that we miss out on since it is not mentioned at all. The incident was that Mehri falls in love with the neighbor’s son and once Marji’s father knows of this he tells Hossein, the neighbors son, that she is a maid therefore Hossein decided to stop seeing her. Marji’s Father explains to Marji, â€Å"You must understand that their love was impossible.†Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Becau se in this country you must stay within your own social class,† (37). Many of the characters are also lacked full description, for instance, Mohsen, and Anoosh. From the movie all we hear about Mohsen is that he is found drowned in a bath tub and it leaves many unanswered questions such as why did it happen and who was he. In the book we know that he visited the Satrapi family the same day that Siamak visits but that is never portrayed in the movie. When it comes to Anoosh, in the movie towards the end of the story he is telling Marji, she asks if he has any family, and ends the conversation. On the other hand, in the book he tells Marji â€Å"†¦I married and had two children, two girls†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And we are also able to learn that his marriage did not turn out very well. Although, there were many details missing in the movie that were included in the book, I do not think that it takes away the intention of the book. A message is clearly stated throughout the movie as well as the book. In both resources we are able to see how the main character grows up and how her surroundings, and everything she has experienced, influence the person she became. In my personal opinion I feel as if the book was more appealing than the movie. The movie was short and brief and got to the main points of the story and was still able to get a message across. I feel as if the book was more detailed which made the plot clearer. Every character was described perfectly and every scene made sense and fell into place with the other scenes, so that they could all make sense. The details that are included in the book make the story bring more emotion to the reader for the fact that everything is explained, even the smallest details. The visual style for the movie was the same as the book, both were comics. The movie is all cartoons, which is something that I found interesting. I feel that making it into a cartoon was a smart decision because it makes it so simple and easy to follow. I enjoyed the fact that I was able to understand the movie very well, although it was in French, because many of the scenes were similar to the book. In the end, I think both the book and movie were enjoyable. What helped was that I had read the novel, before watching the movie. The lack of details and description of characters could have easily confused someone. On the bright side, a message was still able to get across through both sources.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Future Criminology Essay

The advancements in technology have lead law enforcement officers to the rescue of an abducted child. Couple of decades ago law enforcement agencies did not have the technical resources such as the amber alert system as they do today. Technology has enables the United States of America to make positive changes in socialization of American citizens. Technology has also assisted the United States in preventing domestic terrorism. Law enforcement agencies have spent billions of dollars on technical logical equipment to aid in the defense of the country. Law enforcement agencies place heavy emphasis on advancing communication. As law enforcement officials try to improve communication through technology, criminals are advancing in cybercrimes. Many identity thefts are committed to the internet; scammers employ phishing techniques to gather personal information from people rather than criminals who rob mail boxes in order to gather personal information. As technology advances criminals adapt as well. This paper will display the positive aspect of future crime fighting as well as highlight the negative aspects. The direction of crime fighting has already been displayed by law enforcement agencies who are currently utilizing advanced technology. Law enforcement agencies have shifted focus on to social networks that have no limitations. Cybercrime has become very common in the American culture. In modern everyday life people utilize some source of technical logical communication device, which leaves the door open to advanced criminals. Cybercriminals posses the abilities to disassemble someone’s life, through personal information stored on communication devices. Cyber criminals usually search for social security numbers, names, birthdays, bank account numbers, and pin numbers. The perceptions of cybercrimes are considered to be an evolution of combined advancements in technology as well as identity theft, which has spread throug hout the world. Cybercrime victimizers’, target people who are less knowledgeable to the advancements of technology. Before the internet was created identity theft was as simple as stealing personal mail, and rummaging through trash cans. Cybercrime enables advanced criminals to make a fast profit with less chances of being caught. Computer  hackers have the ability to hack prohibited information such as bank servers, with the overall goal of achieving large amounts of money. Online scams such as phishing for personal information have become the trend among advancing criminals. Cybercriminals are typically known for thievery of personal data while trying to achieve a financial gain. Cybercriminals have designed websites that appear to be legitimate, but actually is quite the opposite. Cybercriminals have been gathering personal information through fake server windows with surveys, or something that would require all your personal information. According to National Crime Prevention, â€Å"An information broker, Choicepoint Inc., announced that an identity thief had hacked into their database and gained access to hundreds of thousands of documents. Some stolen information included full names, social security numbers, home addresses and credit reports (NCP, 2011).† A key to fighting off these advanced online crimes is awareness. One must be aware that the Internet is a powerful instrument and is used in many unscrupulous ways. Police agents currently devote an entire unit toward dealing with cybercrime. Private Citizens must also be proactive when dealing with their identity. For example, be aware of illegitimate companies, which wait for someone to provide his or her personal information. It is always a good idea to install security on computers that scan for hackers and other odd activity. Most important, be cautious when providing personal information to anyone on the Internet. The world we live in evolved to the point that we cannot assume an individual is trustworthy. That may be a sad reality, but taken very seriously. Cyber-criminals and their actions will certainly create social policy implications. For example, crime fighting may soon resemble that of a movie production. Crimes altogether become more technologically advanced, while cyb er-crimes begin to resemble crimes from a sci-fi atmosphere. According to Reyes, a team of researchers from Santa Clara University are developing predictive policing software (Reyes, 2011). Essentially, the high-tech software design is used to stop crime before it occurs. The high-tech software allows advancement and the upper hand on the criminal. The software also allows law enforcement to pinpoint a precise area where speculated crimes may occur. The crime is isolated or completely stopped before the damage begins. The software updates daily and provides current data, allowing police forces to position themselves before any  illegal activity begins. This may sound like an innovative tool that brings only a positive element, however, are these tools a way to cyber-profile individuals and allow law enforcement to make illogical assumptions based on probability? One must be aware that individuals are innocent until proven guilty, not innocent unless they meet a mathematical formula. The advancement in specific crime fighting methods is vital to the changing methods of criminal activity. Criminals are always looking for a ways to benefit themselves, so law enforcement agencies must shift to advance policing in order to stay a step ahead of criminal offenders. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a genetic material of a cell’s nucleus, which is a collection program that has become a great precision tool for law enforcement agencies to identify an alleged perpetrator or an alleged victim. The use of the DNA database is well known by society, because of the popular television shows such as Crime Scene Investigators (CSI), and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), which have provided society with examples as to how the DNA data base is utilized. The DNA data base is simply a tool to identify alleged criminals and or victims. According to forensic specialist, â€Å"The database may include profiles of suspects awaiting trial, people arrested, convicted offenders and identifying unknown remains and even members of law enforcement (Schmalleger, 2012)†. Biometrics is the science of analyzing biological data such as fingerprints, DNA, voice pattern recognition, retina scans and facial recognition programs for the purpose of human identification. It is quickly becoming the most accurate means to identify individuals. A typical biometric scanner consists of a scanning device, software that puts the scanned info into digital form and compares it against a database (NPR, 2013). Biometrics started back in China in the 14th century. They used ink to stamp young children’s palms and footprints on paper for identification purposes. In most of the world until the late 19th century, identifying a person relied upon a person’s memory or the use of crude drawings. In about 1890 a system was used that relied on certain body measurements to identify criminals. This did not work very well as it was discovered that it was not uncommon for several persons to have the same measurements. This system was replaced by Richard Edward Henry of Scotland Yard, whose fingerprint system provided a very accurate method of identification (Schmallager, 2012). The next generation of smart phones from  the Apple Corporation has a new operating system that moves biometric science into the consumer market. This new system uses a fingerprint scan technology to allow only the authorized user to operate it. Nowadays consumer’s whole lives are contained on phones including personal information, financial and credit information and addresses. Apple purchased a high-tech company named Authentec which specializes in fingerprint technology to develop this technology. This technology along with iris scan programs will surely have great impact on law enforcement agencies such as: who has access to sensitive areas, safes, thumb drives or documents. This may lead to limiting access to firearms and maybe even who can fire a specific weapon (CBC News, 2013). Another new biometric technology that is being used in stores is facial recognition programs. Some upscale stores use these to recognize wealthy or famous customers as they enter a store and relay this to store employees. This program recognizes a specific person entering a store and compares it against a database of celebrities, sports stars and wealthy customers. It also gives the buying histories, clothing sizes and potential new products they may want to the sales persons. This program is strictly voluntary by most stores as the potential VIP customers want to save time or just be pampered. New technology allows two dimensional images to be converted to three dimensional that can make almost foolproof identifications. This technology is being used by agencies in several cities in various ways to passively monitor the public for wanted individuals. Law enforcement has adopted these methods for their own use. It appears that in some cases they are letting the private sector enginee r these technologies then apply them for their own use (CBC News, 2013). Law enforcement needs to stay ahead of these new biometric technologies as criminals are now working on ways to defeat some of these technologies. One way criminals use to obtain a person’s fingerprints is off of a glass surface to gain access to computers or other fingerprint access systems. Another one is creative ways to disguise your face from facial recognition programs (CBC News, 2013). Computer crimes have risen dramatically in recent years. These are usually referred to as cybercrime. Spyware is most often used to gain access to information contained on a computer or computer system. Spyware is defined as software that sends information from a computer to a third party without consent of  the owner that is unwanted, uninvited or annoying. This can come with free software, file sharing applications or even games. Just visiting certain websites, also called drive-by, can install this software without your knowledge. Spyware is designed to find out what a person prefers buys and what they search for on the internet and allow its authors to make money from this information or possibly gain sensitive data from law enforcement or military computers (CBC News, 2013). The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and amended in the 2002 Patriot Act define computer espionage, trespassing and stealing information. These acts say it is a crime to knowingly counterfeit a device that allows unauthorized access to computer or telecommunication system, receive payments from persons with the intent to commit fraud or using illegally obtained credit card numbers (CBC, 2013). The Department of Homeland Security is working on new programs and having success in countermeasures for cybercrimes. In 2011 they prevented $1.5 billion in business losses and made 72 arrests for people involved in sexual abuse of children on the internet. Police agencies have been reluctant in the past to combat cybercrime as it is expensive and time consuming to investigate but some are now getting involved in identity theft, child molesting using the internet to gain access to children and credit card fraud (DHS, 2013). Mandatory DNA collection programs exist in all 50 states in one form or another. Most have laws mandating DNA collection for certain felony convictions and some for juvenile arrests. Some even allow collections prior to convictions as in California. California is being challenged in court by lawsuits by the ACLU. They feel that innocent persons are being forced to provide DNA samples. There is a DNA database called CODIS where agencies can browse data to identify suspects in crimes. This system allows agencies to positively identify or eliminate suspects (Legal Match, 2013). Unfortunately, the reason that law enforcement evolves is often due to an unforeseen tragedy. For example, after the 9/11 tragedy the â€Å"Homeland Security Advisory System† was introduced. It was a color-coded system that communicated a â€Å"terrorist threat level to federal and local agencies and throughout communities. The system was introduced in 2002 by Security Chief Tom Ridge (Reclaim Democracy, 2011). As is often the case when such controversial initiatives are brought forth, mixed views are common. Every U.S. citizen maintained a heightened sense of awareness and  fear in regard to terrorism. In that sense, this initiative allowed for both federal and local agencies to work together toward their goal of eliminating terrorist threats, and allowed a roadmap for daily operations. Threat levels were assigned to each suspect and federal agencies would act depending upon the level of the individual threat by implementing protective measures. Obviously, advocates of this plan argue that it leads to a safer environment because security agencies are adequately inf ormed. However, one must also consider if these measures protect citizens or instill fear in them. One cannot argue that technology and skill levels have not evolved. However, just because the technology and skill exists, does that mean that society is better when they are put into action? One could argue that it is arbitrary to label individuals based on a color code, what does it take for them to move to the next category? One must also be advised that the individuals in charge of determining the color coding system may have had their own political agenda. For example, raising the terror threat level to extreme on the one-year anniversary of 9/11 may have been necessary, but may have been a political move to gain confidence of the public? Some critics argue the system drummed up support for wars and additional federal powers. As security technology continues to evolve one document must not be overlooked, The Security Enhancement Act. While the document design was to improve homeland security and provide comfort to the citizenry, its consequences raise many questions. The act revoked portions of the Freedom of Information Act: in which society posses the right to achieve information pertaining to a friend or family member who is detained by the federal government for any action that can be considered to be terrorism. The American government can mandate whether or not they think citizens deserve information. Also, an individual could lose their citizenship upon â€Å"participating in or providing material support to a terrorist† (Reclaim Democracy, 2011). A vital element of this act is that it would allow the government to force citizens to submit to DNA samples if they are a suspected terrorist. Evolving technology provides a wealth of knowledge and understanding in regard to halting criminal activity. It provides methods that allow for quick response and action and can lead to a safer environment for people. However, one must consider the difference between technological advances and invasion of privacy. There is little doubt that getting a mouth swab for a DNA sample is  an effective method but it is certainly not perfect. It would be foolish not to consider that many DNA samples taint easily by not following procedures. This must be considered because imperfect humans are collecting the data. Also, because of the large amount of samples tested, at what point does the sample become outdated and need resubmission. If an individual submitted to an initial test, is it constitutional or ethical to mandate that they retest? There are constitutional amendments that are discussed and not disregarded because our nation suffered a tragedy. That tragedy must not be forgotten, but it is ill-advised to use one event as a predictor of all future events. That is why law enforcement must be careful when they seek to predict crime before it occurs. If the crime does not occur taxpayer funds go to waste. There is a fine line between protecting society and intruding upon its citizens. There must be awareness that while technology has advanced and aided society, the tests are still administered by humans who may serve his or her own needs over that of society. No matter how far individuals evolve technologically, society must proceed with caution because society may never be able to measure the intent of those operating the equipment. Evolving technology advancements and the future of crime fighting does not come without a fight. There are many individuals who question the intent of ethics of using proactive crime fighting methods. For instance, some individuals may feel that their rights are violated with the use of DNA, the government having access to personal information, and wide databases of information that have the chance of being hacked. It is not the intent of the government to have technology used against society; however, it is possible. Different groups and organizations claim that the use of advanced technology is just the beginning of a new conspiracy act. It is not only the concerned citizens of the United States who struggle with the openness of private information but also international groups as well as policy makers. It is thought that as technology advances policymakers will have to go the extra step to be proactive in the different inventions and programs to cheat or confuse technological advancements. According to Schmalleger (2012) â€Å"Opposing ideological lines have divided our efforts to develop comprehensive anticrime programs. Deep fissures in our social fabric have contributed to conflicting attitudes about crime and its control.† Countries that pride themselves in advanced technology, feared by other  nations. Just as the Bush administrations proved, technological warfare is on the bri nk of mass destructive devices (National Crime Prevention Council, 2012). While many individuals use technology as a way to prevent crime, some countries may ultimately use technology for total destruction. Whether society is fighting cybercrimes, using technology to fight future crimes, using technological advancements to predict crime, or allowing technology to lead the efforts of policymakers, technology has proved to be an advancement that does not come without deficits. Technology can make or break a country, but it can also divide nations and leave room for doubt. As technology advances, the prevention of crimes must also advance. It is not enough to assume that technological programs and breakthroughs will be enough to control crime. Crime control taken seriously and proactive steps taken to keep each breakthrough safe and ethical will wreak many benefits. In conclusion, law enforcement agencies are pointing in the positive direction for combating future crimes. The advancement of technological equipment in law enforcement is designed to enhance communication in aspects of imagery, and audio. Law enforcement agencies are already utilizing advanced imagery to resurrect a crime scene. The resurrection of a crime scene could possibly yield elaborate information leading to the apprehension of the offender. The overall perception in law enforcement will continue to be the same philosophy to apprehend alleged criminals. Technology aids local law enforcement officials in community policing, with surveillance placed in social common areas in aspiration to deter crime; too also act as a witness to committed crimes in the radius view of the camera. Law enforcement agencies will continue to strive for improvements in combat ing crime. References CBC News, (2013). New Apple Iphone Pushes Biometrics into the Mainstream. Retrieved from: Department of Homeland Security, (2013). Combating Cyber-Crime. Retrieved from: Legal Match, (2013). Mandatory DNA Sampling. Retrieved from: